Climate Tech Product Blog

The Climate Tech Product Show podcast is here!

Written by Leo Cerda | 133/05/2022

I'm Leo Cerda, and I'm the founder and CPO of More Traction.

We help Climate Tech startups build products that people actually want.

After a lifetime in product development, I started More Traction to give Climate Tech startups the best possible chance of success.

It's easier than ever to build products, but we don't have time for Climate Techs to build products that nobody wants; so we help them quickly define a business model and execute a plan with a heavy focus on validating before building.

It's all about making sure that we find the right it, before we build it right.

In this podcast, we'll chat with others who have used these frameworks to validate their ideas; and who have been able to get the data you need to get investors over the line.

So join me as we unpack Climate Tech startups from around the world on their quest to find solutions to the climate crisis.



The theme of the "Climate Tech Product Show" is around Climate Techs that are testing before they build. I’m using each of the boxes of the Lean Canvas as a guide for the topics and guests.
For guests of the show, here is some background:


If you are an expert in your field - ie any of the boxes of the lean canvas - this is what you can expect from the interview: