Climate Tech Product Blog


The Green Lean Canvas

We propose a new business model template better suited to the nature of Climate Tech startups


How to run good experiments

Why Discipline & Creativity are two important qualities for any business going down the path of experiments to validate its business model.


The 3-Week Business Model Bootcamp

Our approach to helping Climate Tech startups get rid of the guesswork and develop a compelling story to take to investors to unlock funds.

Climate Change

COP26: what happens now?

Ecologi explores some of the details and implications of COP26, as well as recount what happened in Glasgow.


Is Design Thinking dead?

We have overdone Design Thinking. We are obsessing over methods and adding too much upfront research and not enough outcomes.


Stop building products nobody wants

Google Ventures' Design Sprint offers a cheaper and faster alternative to simply building and delivering something that nobody wants.

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Insights and events to grow your product muscle leveraging the tools and knowledge your Climate Tech needs to succeed quickly.